It’s hard to believe the Enchanted series had been out a year!
Magic Flame includes the final installment of “Destiny’s Dark Light” by Sara Dobie Bauer, “All’s Fair in Love, War, and Demigods” by Wendy Sparrow, and Bradley Murphey’s story, “These Resting Bones” by Em Shotwell.
To celebrate Magic Flame, we take a look back at some fun posts about the stories.
Interview With Enchanted’s Authors!
We asked Wendy, Sara, and Em about coming up with their stories for Enchanted, weaving those stories together, and how they keep their writing going.
Read more here.
Murphey Sister Facts
When Cori tapped me to be a part of the Enchanted series, she explained what it was about and asked if I had a story idea that I could create pretty quickly (the deadline was looming).
My first thought was Oh do I have a story for you! Quickly followed by, Wait, did you say romance?
Because here is the thing—I love romance! I do. But I am not your typical romance writer per se.
Read more here.

Go Behind The Scenes With Enchanted‘s Editor
There are three authors involved in this project and they each bring their own unique style, skill sets and favourite themes to the books. The resulting diversity in the stories makes for an exceptional collection that I’m extremely glad to be a part of.
Read more about Cori Vidae’s thoughts on the stories here.
Wendy Sparrow’s Enchanted Secrets
Wendy gives us some quirky facts about her demigod series.
Read them here.

What’s in a Name? by Sara Dobie Bauer
People often ask me how I name my characters. Sometimes, it’s easy: “Well, this character is based on someone I actually know.” Other times, it’s due to something silly like, “I think that name is sexy.” In the case of my three-part Enchanted series, “Destiny’s Dark Light,” check out these teasers about what’s in a name …
Read more here.