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As we wait, Pen and Kink Publishing is giving you a deeper look at the stories and authors. This week Em Shotwell talks about her series with the Murphey sisters.
Murphy Sister Facts
By Em Shotwell
When Cori tapped me to be a part of the Enchanted series, she explained what it was about and asked if I had a story idea that I could create pretty quickly (the deadline was looming).
My first thought was Oh do I have a story for you! Quickly followed by, Wait, did you say romance?
Because here is the thing—I love romance! I do. But I am not your typical romance writer per se. There is always romance in my books—actually there is a lot of romance in my books. There is also quite a bit of, well…murder and “dark stuff” too. I didn’t let this tiny little tidbit stop me—I was ready. I was all in. I was going to be a part of this awesome series! I was…going to have a hard time passing off what I had in mind as romance.
Thankfully, Cori is a great editor and also a great sounding board, so I was able to twist and mold my idea of a family of witches into three love stories (even if they still don’t technically follow the rules for romance.) They are campy and fun and I think you will like them. (Insert evil grin here.)
To give you an idea of what I mean, check out this list of quirky facts about my series.
- All three stories have Happily Ever Afters (required for romance) but none of them have a traditional Happily Ever After. The girls reach their goals and find their true loves….Cheyanne even gets to spend the rest of her life with hers…but you may have to think outside the box a little bit. (Hey. This is a good thing—that box is cramped and stuffy and can give you anxiety. You’ll thank me for getting you outside of it.)
- There is a “talking” house. Okay, so he doesn’t speak, but he can definitely throw a temper tantrum. And if you are wondering what gave me the idea for House, I can tell you his “personality” is based on my German Shepherd, Gryffin. He is loyal and loving but can hold a grudge.
- So the Murphey Family Saga (THESE ROOTS RUN DEEP, THIS HOLLOW HEART, AND THESE RESTING BONES) could technically take place in the same universe as my Blackbird series. There are some easter-egg type hints of this when we find out a few things about Bradley’s boy toy, Blaine. This happens in book three, Magic Flame (my story is THESE RESTING BONES.)
- When I outlined the middle sister, Marchland, I pictured her as the good sister. The hippy-dippy flower child vegetarian who would never hurt a soul. My editor told me she is actually the most unlikable (in a good way. Okay—maybe in a great way) in the book. What would you do if you found out the guy who seduced you was actually using you to cheat on his pregnant wife? Personally, I think revenge is in order. But that could just be me. No worries though—remember that HEA I promised? Well Marchland meets her dream-boat and he is a real sweetheart. And scumbag-cheater-man gets his comeuppance.
- I like my paranormal stories like I like my summer-wooded-activities: Campy! (Wacka wacka—you see what I did there??) These stories are fun and dramatic and read much like a soap opera. They are tongue in cheek. I promise you—this is all on purpose. If you read them and they make you smile, or laugh out loud, or hell—even cheer for your favorite witch, consider leaving a review.
I would love to hear from you on Facebook! Visit me at facebook.com/EmShotwellAuthor and let me know which Murphey sister was your favorite. Or least favorite!
Em Shotwell is a cancer survivor, foster care advocate, and casual geek. Sometimes she writes books about misfits and the people who love them. When she’s not frowning at her computer screen, Em enjoys spending time outdoors hiking, or indoors daydreaming and wishing she could play the banjo.
Visit her online at www.EmShotwell.com. She hangs out on Facebook where she often hosts giveaways and posts witty memes. Also find her on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
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