Today we celebrate the INKomplete series by looking back at some of the fun stuff we’ve posted on it.

This series that started in our kINKED anthology, centers around relationships in a tattoo parlor. Each story is about a different character and their struggles to find love. The first story, INKarnate is free!


The Hardest Story I’ve Ever Written by Mara Malins

I can’t begin to explain the doubt I felt when writing INKurable, the third story in the INKomplete series. My main character, Phee, is diagnosed with breast cancer earlier in the series and this story describes her journey as she comes to term with the illness and how it affects both her mind and body.

Read more here.

Single-Parent Sacrifices by Mara Malins

I think out of the four stories in the INKomplete series, INKapable was the easiest for me to understand my main character’s motives. Josephina is a rough-around-the-edges, potty-mouthed, independent, sometimes moody, hardworking, intelligent, but most importantly an “everyday” single mum. She’s not superwoman. She’s not sashaying around the world, beautifully coifed and ready for the day, a smile constantly on her lips, a friendly word for anyone.

Read more here.

Bam! Moments by Mara Malins

For INKarnate, the bam! moment came immediately. I knew straight away what I wanted from my story because I’d just read—literally ten seconds before P&K’s blog post!—a Neil Gaiman quote that fitted the guidelines so perfectly. It was almost deliciously prophetic. The first line in particular resonated with me; “In a perfect world, you could fuck people without giving them a piece of your heart…”

Read more here.

Top Five Tattoo Stories by Mara Malins

Mara did extensive research for the INKomplete series. In this post, she share her favourite stories about being inked.

Check them out here.




Out of Print


When Emily begins an apprenticeship at the renowned tattoo studio Inkomplete, she didn’t realise she was stepping into a world very different from her middle-class upbringing. But not everybody is happy about her dipping her toe into new waters. Famous tattoo artist, Matt Jones, knows she doesn’t belong.





After her husband walked out on her, leaving her to provide for their daughter alone, Joe has no intention of relying on a man for anything ever again. As a successful tattoo artist, she can take care of what’s hers. The only thing she needs is a little fun every now and again. And if a gorgeous man offers her exactly what she needs, if they both know what they’re getting into, it can’t get messy, can it?

Out of Print




Out of Print


Phee has breast cancer. As heart-breaking as it is, she’s determined to be strong so her friends don’t worry. They’re a family, so if she hurts, they hurt, and she can’t allow that. But when lines start to blur between her and her handsome surgeon, trying to hold everything together suddenly feels like the real fight.





It’s been five years since Blakey’s beautiful wife Elizabeth died and his grief is just as sharp today as it was back then. But now he’s desperately lonely too. As he becomes closer to his friend Aisleyne, Blakey fights it with everything he has. How could he even think about moving on? No, friendship is all he has to offer. That will have to be enough.

Out of Print

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