Pen and Kink is going to be winding down operations in the next few months.

I’ve struggled with how to write this announcement and I realised it was because I was doing it wrong. I was aiming for an ‘official’ tone, something distant and unemotional which, quite frankly, is pretty much the exact opposite of what Pen and Kink is all about.

I could blame this closure on 2020, but that wouldn’t be entirely fair. 2020 absolutely played a role but it doesn’t get to shoulder all the blame. In truth, the primary issue is that there are only twenty-four hours in a day. For a while I was able to operate P&K and still maintain a professional life under my other name and I thought that with the right systems and processes in place I’d be able to continue that indefinitely. I was wrong.

So, I make this announcement with mixed feelings. Sadness and relief.

And pride.

I’m proud of what we did here. It was a good run. That’s what I’m trying to focus on.

Thank you to all the readers and reviewers who have supported us over the years, to Elesha for the many, many hours you invested to get our titles into as many hands as possible. And thank you, especially, to our authors and editors whose trust I’ve always appreciated and whose drive and hard work has been inspiring. None of the good we accomplished would have happened without all of you.

I’ll be sorry to see P&K go, but happy to know the relationships which it fostered and helped grow will continue.

~ Cori Vidae

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