Destiny’s Dark Light officially hits the shelves on Tuesday, but we’ve slipped a copy into the hands of a few advance readers and they love it!

Check out what some reviewers have to say about Sara Dobie Bauer’s newest paranormal romance:

“Both Cyan’s and Liam’s characters had significant depth for such a short novel. Some of the supporting characters were mildly quirky and made the book even more enjoyable.

While this is the first book I have read by Sara Dobie Bauer, I look forward to reading more of her novels. Overall, I was immediately drawn into the story line and enjoyed unraveling the mystery of who the Dorcha was. The cover was perfect for this novel.”

Pam G

Goodreads Reviewer

“This is great. So exciting. So many layers! I love Cyan. And Liam. And Cyan’s entire’s family. I didn’t see who the “Dorcha” was until right before it was revealed, and I can’t even believe it. It’s not like me not to sleuth around when there’s a mystery to solve. Not only that, I was so wrapped up in the story, I didn’t even try to figure out what was going on. I just wanted to keep reading. Freaking love this.”


Goodreads Reviewer

“Destiny’s Dark Light is an exciting and romantic thriller full of far more twists and turns than one would expect for a story wrapped around a pretty straightforward prophecy. I loved the characters, they feel right at home in Charleston and each have distinct and imperfect (read:realistic) personalities. While not as sprawling as a lot of Urban Fantasy I’ve read (which is how I would classify this) the compact story feels right, giving an intimate view into the main characters’ story.”


Goodreads Reviewer

If you think this book might also be the book for you, reserve your copy right now. The price goes up on release day but if you act right now you can add this book to your library for less than three dollars. That’s about what it costs for a chai latte — and the satisfaction of this story will last far longer than the latte, we promise you.


Reserve your copy now:

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