kINKED Reviews

There is a situation that comes up from time to time where I want to talk about a book I’ve worked on and published through Pen and Kink, but I don’t want to speak as the publisher, I want to speak as the author or the editor. This is one of those times. So I’m going to take a couple moments to speak to you about kINKED as its editor, not its publisher.

This book was difficult.

I mean, all books come with their own obstacles and difficulties, but this one seemed to have more than its fair share. And yet, through every twist and turn, speed bump and challenge, I never once considered giving up on it. Not once.

I persisted. I made it happen. And I am super proud of the resulting collection.

And now that the book has been out for a week, reviewers are getting a chance to chime in and share their thoughts on it. The first few days before those reviews began to come in were nerve-wracking. Would they like it as much as I did? Would they? Would they?!

As it turns out, the answer is yes:

“What an awesome collection!!”

Geneva Handleman

Amazon Reviewer

“Seriously read this anthology. It’s short, sweet, sexy and utterly captivating. Don’t miss this read!”


Amazon Reviewer

“I would highly recommend it and think it would make a nice afternoon read…possibly by the pool so that you can cool off after some of the hotter stories.”

Liz Vrchota

Amazon Reviewer

If you haven’t picked up a copy of kINKED yet, now is a great time to do that, and if you have a copy please remember an honest review is a fantastic way to share your thoughts on the book and support the creatives who made it.

Out of Print


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