It’s Raining Immortal Men!
Post by Wendy Sparrow
I live in the rainy, rainy Puget Sound area and I’d rather have immortal men dropping to the ground than cats and dogs. Well, I’d rather have Father Time’s sons than cats…because claws. (Puppies are so adorable that it’s a draw.) In one week, Stealing Time will be released and if you haven’t met Zeit, he’ll go on your bucket list…as in men you’d like to catch in a bucket if it really were raining men. Just a week later, his brother Tempus will make an appearance. Then, finally a week after that, it’ll be Ruin stealing your heart. This is what your inner dialogue will be like:
Inner dialogue on 11/1 after reading Stealing Time: Why did no one tell me about Zeit? He’s both aggravating and adorable…aggradorable or adoravating. That whole thing with the chocolate oranges? Love it! The way he says “Merry Christmas” to get people to look away? –I could love him. Seriously. He’s so immortally clueless.
Inner dialogue on 11/8 after speeding through Taking Time: *snorts* Okay, so Tempus is sort of fantastic. His thing with books might just be the greatest thing ever. I wanted to shake him because he couldn’t grasp that he was in love. Father Time’s sons are awesomely dorky in a hot way.
Inner dialogue on 11/15 after inhaling Keeping Time: Ruin! Oh, Ruin, you need to be hugged, and I almost certainly wouldn’t cop a feel of any kind. Well, maybe not. Well, okay, I would. Your soul just spoke to mine. Come here and I will pet your head and love you. You could be my guardian non-angel any day.
Are you excited for these to come out? I am. I wrote Stealing Time because the story needed to be told and it was so much fun. Holidays, magic, and immortal men? I wish this was real. I really wish the lodge in all three stories existed and I could afford to go stay there. Then, several years later, I wrote the other two novellas because I knew I wanted to go back in that world. Being able to share their stories with you is just the best thing ever. I hope you get a chance to read the books in the Servants of Fate series and, if you do, find me and tell me what you thought, especially if I was right about your inner dialogue.
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