This week we are shining a spotlight on Wendy Sparrow’s paranormal romance Servants of Fate trilogy where three brothers, sons of Father Time, meet their match when they are charged with taking the life of mortal women on New Year’s Eve. For a limited time you can pick up the trilogy for 99-cents! Click here to learn more!

Still haven’t got your copy of  Servants of Fate?

Here’s what other people have said to help make up your mind!

A fun ride for the holidays, Sparrow earns five stars for this novella.

Sharon -

About Stealing Time

I am utterly twitterpated with Wendy Sparrow’s Servants of Fate series!

Tiffany Michelle Brown - Romance Author

About Stealing Time

A fun and swoon-worthy romance that races the clock to find its happily ever after. Wendy Sparrow never disappoints.

Em Shotwell

Author of Blackbird Summer

Tender and yet tormented, emotional and tumultuous heart-wrenching of a telling…I loved every minute of it.

Wee Bit O'Whiskey Reviews

I highly recommend each of the novels of the series to anyone that loves paranormal romance novels with a spark of drama and action.


Goodreads Reviewer

From the moment I started, I could not put the books down. I had to read them back to back just to get more of the characters and the very well-written story.


Book Reviewer

As servants of Fate, Father Time’s sons must sacrifice a mortal’s lifetime on behalf of humanity before each year ends. It’s simpler if they don’t get involved, as their immortality is a barrier to relationships and to understanding the emotions of those whose lives end in a blink, especially if these time holders have a hand in it. Servants of Fate pass in and out of the lives of those around them, never interacting, until a different type of fate steps in. They can stop time, but love will leave them powerless.

Get it now for .99!

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Available on Kindle Unlimited

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