A year ago we released INKarnate as a standalone novella to launch the INKomplete series. The story was orignally part of the kINKED anthology.
To celebrate it’s release, we’re looking back at some of the fun we had along the way. You can pick up your copy of this steamy romance set in a tattoo parlor for free!
Bam! Moments
by Mara Malins
I’m not talking love and forever—though that’s where my story ultimately leads—but I wanted to explore the idea that even when two people seem to share a mutual dislike, even when they agree it would be nothing more than sex between them, even then it can’t just be physical. Emotions inevitably play a part because the world isn’t perfect. It isn’t clean cut. We’re not robots.
Read more here!

INKarnate Chapter 1
She wasn’t likely to get any warmer standing outside and yet she couldn’t force her legs to move through the door. Nervous, she peered around the curling edges of posters advertising local rave nights and up-and-coming bands to see through the tinted window. The room on the other side was dark; she couldn’t see anything.
Read the entire first chapter here.
Top Five Tattoo Stories
by Mara Malins
Writing about tattoos, tattoo artists, and tattoo studios is a little difficult when you don’t have any tattoos, have never stepped foot inside a tattoo studio, and have never even spoken to a tattoo artist. You can pick up the lingo from the internet and a good editor can spot the obvious mistakes (ode to Cori: to write is human, to edit is divine—quote from Stephen King, a man who knows his stuff), but overall you should probably have a little more knowledge than I did about the subject you’re writing about. I mean, isn’t the general rule usually to write what you know…?
Click here to read more.
Matt: The Other Side of the Interview
by Mara Malins
Get Matt’s side of the interview…
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d wanted someone the way he wanted her, and it made him angry. How could he continue to work if just watching her was such a turn on? And even now, the way she walked past him with her head held high… even then, he enjoyed the challenge she was issuing.
Read the whole story here!