Ravenous editor, Ariel Jade, has been busy sinking her teeth into the submissions for the romantic vampire anthology.

Here’s what she’s finding…


So here we are, the third week of our submission period, and a definite theme is arising: lots of vampires, very little romance.


Alas! That’s a bit disappointing, although I can understand why. Vampires have tons of different angles–which I’ve seen and which is great–and if this were a straight-up vampire anthology, I’d be swimming in fabulous stuff already. However (and I’ve checked with the Pen and Kink staff in this), one character devouring the other character at the end of the story is NOT romantic, unless of course it’s the metaphorical nudge-nudge-wink-wink devouring.


Send me your ROMANCE vampire stories. If the story isn’t about two people grappling with their relationship, it’s not romance! You can put in (no pun intended) all the penises and vaginas you want, but clashing genitals don’t make it romance.


In terms of the romance stories I *have* seen, they lean toward historical, which is awesome, since vampires scream for moody, Gothic settings. But if you’ve got something modern or futuristic or steampunk or pretty much any other unexpected setting, it’ll stand out.


Send me any and all, though! Don’t count yourself out if you’ve got something more, shall we say, traditional. It’s way too early for me to make any decisions, but I have sent out hold notices (and as of Sunday afternoon, Nov. 13, I’ve sent responses to everything I’ve received–check your spam and then resend from an alternate email address if you sent something and didn’t hear back).


Keep ’em coming! I’m looking forward to reading your story!



Submissions are open until January 31, 2017.

Find details here.

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